A well thought out idea, Know what the main subject or style of your new tattoo will be.
Placement, where on your body will your new tattoo be applied?
All information needed. Please have all references, photos and data needed, at the time of scheduling. These items may include, reference photos, all names, dates or other text content you require. Clear photos of any existing tattoos in the area you are looking to have tattooed. All cover up work needs a photo of the tattoo to be covered. A photo of the body part to be tattooed is a great help, often we will draw over top of these photos in order to help ensure a proper fitting tattoo. If you are looking to have a tattoo placed near a private area, please wear clothing such as undergarments or swimwear in these photos. Do not send us completely nude images. Cell Phone images are not very useful to us unless you can send them to our e-mail, frontdesk@crayontattoo.com Online appointment set up will allow you to upload any images in the set up form.
A deposit, usually $25.
An ID. We require a state issued ID in order to tattoo you. You must be 18 years of age or older with proper ID to be tattooed in our studio.
You can prepare for you appointment by following a few simple guidelines. Get a good night’s sleep. Rest is an important detail, especially when sitting for an extensive session. Eat a good meal, getting tattooed on an empty stomach is never a good idea. Do not drink alcohol or any excessive fluids 24 hours before your appointment. While it is normal to experience a small amount of bleeding during a tattoo application, over doing it on the liquids can amplify bleeding and require a tattoo to heal light or faded.
Keep it simple! Tiny, overly detailed tattoos tend to blur over time. Clean, easy to read contrasting shapes in a design will hold the test of time.
Try not to over clutter, filling a tattoo with too many elements or an oppressive amount of unnecessary text can destroy a tattoo from the start. Be careful of the correct size for your image choice, if your tattoo is done too small it will likely blur over time. A dragon head that is 3 inches high will allow for greater detail and longevity than a full body dragon of the same size. It is rare than we have a client wish they would have gone smaller with a tattoo idea, but all too often we are asked to add to or make bigger a completed piece.
Understand that the tattoo based television programs tend to portray tattooing in a very unrealistic fashion. Your full sleeve will not be finished over a commercial break, and every tattoo done does not need a reason or meaning. While we are privileged to apply a great many memorial and situation related tattoos, there is a place where are art for the sake of art is very relevant. Sometimes you get a tattoo just because it is awesome!
Choose your idea wisely, obviously getting your significant others name tattooed on you is a pretty risky thing to do, but so are, “tattoos of passion.” Getting a heat of the moment or I need it now or never tattoo, is not often the best idea.
Don’t over think your tattoo. Deciding on your tattoo idea is something that should be completed before you set up your appointment. We are here to help with the best composition and approach to designing your tattoo, but the subject matter or style needs to be your decision. If you find yourself unsure or consistently debating your tattoo idea, hold off until you are ready. Changing your idea once we have begun or finished your artwork may cause you to lose a deposit.
Dress accordingly. Your modesty is always a concern of ours. While most tattoos are completed in full or light clothing, the placement of your tattoo may require you to be partially nude. As a guideline, we require 5 inches of unobstructed skin surrounding your stencil to apply your tattoo. All tattooing rooms in our studio are completely private and you may always bring a well behaved guest with you.
Relax! When a client is overly anxious, it becomes very difficult to concentrate on your artwork. Getting a new tattoo is an exciting and memorable event. Make it a pleasant one.
Do not bring your children to your tattoo appointment! Even well behaved small children have no place in the tattooing areas of our studio. We ask that you find a sitter on appointment day.